So I've been working towards some of my hundred and I'm now officially a college student!!!! I've registered, taken my placement tests, signed up and paid for my classes! My first class starts 8/17 and man I'm so nervous and partially dreading it just because its been 8 years since I've been in college. I know once I get started it'll be better. on everything else I've been working on some of the volunteer stuff and some ideas for my book. The only thing that might be changing is Aruba. With me being in school I'm just not too sure if I can take the time off like that. I'm still shooting for spring but we'll just have to see. All I know is that I want to have atleast 5 checked off my list by the end of this year!

Albert ships tomorrow!!! hopefully he'll make it!!
Ok so I wanted to find a really cute way to keep track of my journey and that's how I thought of Albert. See Zach and I call each other ducky, it's been our cutesy name since day one and so we've gone duck crazy about it. He got me this adorable stuffed one for our one month aniversary and when we get married we've talked about having a rubber duck bride and groom on our cake and we are even going to start collecting rubber ducks since they have all these holiday theme ones. Its just our thing. Finding them in public is a little hard to do considering that I guess ducks aren't that in. I went to five different stores yesterday looking for the perfect duck and couldn't find any that would work and only a few at all. I came up with this idea that since I wanted to blog about my journey I wanted to also do like a photo diary of it too. And instantly I thought of Albert, our soon to be traveling duck companion. After hours of searching I finally found him online. Here he is!!!

I finally found him searching on amazon. The only unpredictable part is that I don't know if he will get here in time. I'm leaving for the beach Friday and starting my first 100 with building a big sandcastle and he might not ship in time.... But I guess we'll just have to see. In the mean time though here's an update on what I've been working on.

I'm meeting with a college administrator in the next few weeks to get set for college!!! yay! Though I admit last week I wasn't all yay about it. I got really nervous about whether I could really do it but I'm ready now.

I bought Breakfast at Tiffany's yesterday and Scarface so just waiting for the right weekends to set up the perfect way to watch Audrey Hepburn and to have a rainy weekends worth of classic gangster movies.

Lastly on the agenda is that we've started planning our cruise to aruba!!! Looking at going end of March which I'm told is the best time to go and we started looking at snorkeling packages!!! But I did tell Zach I wanted to be back in a bikini by then so starting today (even though I've been working out for a few months) I want to lose 67 lbs total before we head to sunny tropical aruba!

78. See Pompei
79. Play Santa Claus once just because I'd love to do that for my kids to keep the magic alive when I have kids
80. Do a christmas thing @ the children's hospital whether its handing out presents or doing a story time or something really special
81. have a seahorse!
82. Throw a Christmas Bash
83. Build a huge sand castle
84. Fish of an ocean pier
85. Play on an adult softball team
86. Play on an adult volleyball team
87. Do storytime for a library
88. Go to my highschool reunion (ten year)
89. Go Caroling
90. Go ice skating outside
91. Go dancing at an outdoor club in a foreign country
92. Host a dinner party
93. Host a game night
94. Plant some kind of fruit tree
95. Send a message in a bottle
96. Give a stranger a $100 bill (someone you can tell needs it)
97. Pay for someone's order behind me or a stranger's anniversary dinner
98. Draw a mural or help draw one
99. Jump off a waterfall
100. Learn how to surf

It took me a while to come up with 100 but I'm here now! yay! time to get started, now the journey really begins.
2. Marry the man I love
3. Become a published writer
4. Do a family tree
5. Meet Sophia Bush (because she rocks!)
6. Open my own business
7. Climb at an indoor peak center (to get over my fear of climbing)
8. Complete a 5k for breast cancer
9. Help find a cure
10. Start a non-profit
11. Have at least one kid
12. Sale one of my paintings for $100 big ones
13. Create something unique
14. Help finish Cam's car (my uncle who passed away)
15. Make a topsy turvy cake
16. Learn how to knit
17. Learn how to make earrings
18. Go to Sundance
19. Go to a horror film fest or a foreign film fest
20. Have one of the first drinks at my buddy Pat's bar (because my banana will open a fantastic bar!!)
21. Be an extra in a film
22. Take a star gazing class
23. Take a dance class
24. Learn how to make my own sushi
25. Create a recipe
26. Read "In war and peace"
27. Read the Bible from cover to cover
28. Take a photography class
29. Start a club
30. Walk in the rain in Seattle
31. See the "walk of fame" Chinese Theater
32. See the pyramids in Egypt
33. See Alaska
34. Have a picnic in Central Park
35. Walk on a California Beach
36. Eat Sushi in Tokyo
37. Go for a swim off the coast of Greece
38. Eat pizza in Italy
39. Shop in Paris
40. Have a beer in an a real Irish Pub in Ireland
41. Snorkel in Aruba
42. See the Grand Canyon
43. See Yellowstone Park
44. Do the Blue Ridge Parkway from top to bottom
45. Drive down Ocean Blvd in an old convertible
46. See a Colt's game in Indy
47. See the Chargers play (where ever I am or in San Diego) with my dad
48. See the Ducks play (where ever) with Zach
49. See Paramore live
50. See Gavin Rossdale live
51. Get Gavin Rossdale to sing at my wedding (this will probably not happen but its me and Zach's song and how awesome would it be)
52. Have a baby duck for a pet (had one when I was little, it was so cool!)
53. See a whale up close, not at a zoo
54. Design a Tat of my journey and get it
55. Build something out of wood
56. Take a pottery class
57. Have a garden
58. Design and outfit and make it
59. Volunteer at a children's hospital
60. Build a house with Habitat for Humanity
61. Volunteer at a soup kitchen
62. Make a movie (doesn't have to be big just for fun)
63. Eat a smore
64. Learn how to make animatronics
65. Have an article in a magazine
66. Camp in a tent, outside
67. Make a quilt
68. Try alligator meat
69. Make my own wine
70. Watch Breakfast at Tiffany's
71. See a play on Broadway
72. Hug a redwood tree (I believe that's what they call them the trees that are so wide that if there was a hole in the trunk a car could drive through
73. Find a leather bond company of "A Farewell to Arms"
74. Go on a Ghost Hunt
75. Have a gangster movie weekend with movies like Scarface and the Godfather (never seen them)
76. Buy a pair of manolo blaniks
77. Meet Brandon Boyd from Incubus (my favorite band)

and the list has stopped there as of right now... first 50 flew past... next 15 went a little slower and the last 12 crawled... now to think of the last 23. But I'm determined and want to start on my list so I hope to have thought of them over this weekend. Wish me luck!!
I began working on my list last night and logically for me I thought of my past first about things I wish I had done, things I don't regret but would have liked to have been different, projects I never saw through. So that is the complete reason for my number one on my list.

1. Get a Degree.... in something

I know its slightly vague but its the most important thing I want to accomplish in my life as of right now. I dropped out of college pretty much before I even started. I used to say it was because I wanted time off or I just overloaded myself too early with the amount of credit hours I took (2 more classes than a typical freshmen amount). Honestly though, it was the stupidity of being foolishly in love with a boy, a boy who turned out to be a rather painful length of my early 20's. Alas I don't regret it, I learned a lot from my decisions and grew a lot which is always the main point. Now, above almost all things... It's time to go back. I don't know exactly what for but I've got some basic ideas of what I would like to do or would enjoy doing and that's where I'll start. Now its just time to start down the road of getting into community college and starting my first class and finding money for school. I know this one thing will take a few years but its worth it.
Through the years I've had people ask me to make a 100 things to do in my life list, or have been asked what are things you want to accomplish in your life. People ask this question a lot and more often than one might think. So much so that even MTV has created a show about it called the Buried Life, where a group of boys set out to do everything on their lists and to help others full fill some of theirs. I've watched this show from time to time in awe and thinking about my own list. So this blog came to mind as a way to make my list more complete and to record my journey, after all shouldn't we all make our own bucket lists and try to complete them. Isn't that the great gift of life in the first place. Over the next few days I'll be making my list and then the adventure begins and so will start the beginnings of my own personal memoir. So here's the beginning.