2. Marry the man I love
3. Become a published writer
4. Do a family tree
5. Meet Sophia Bush (because she rocks!)
6. Open my own business
7. Climb at an indoor peak center (to get over my fear of climbing)
8. Complete a 5k for breast cancer
9. Help find a cure
10. Start a non-profit
11. Have at least one kid
12. Sale one of my paintings for $100 big ones
13. Create something unique
14. Help finish Cam's car (my uncle who passed away)
15. Make a topsy turvy cake
16. Learn how to knit
17. Learn how to make earrings
18. Go to Sundance
19. Go to a horror film fest or a foreign film fest
20. Have one of the first drinks at my buddy Pat's bar (because my banana will open a fantastic bar!!)
21. Be an extra in a film
22. Take a star gazing class
23. Take a dance class
24. Learn how to make my own sushi
25. Create a recipe
26. Read "In war and peace"
27. Read the Bible from cover to cover
28. Take a photography class
29. Start a club
30. Walk in the rain in Seattle
31. See the "walk of fame" Chinese Theater
32. See the pyramids in Egypt
33. See Alaska
34. Have a picnic in Central Park
35. Walk on a California Beach
36. Eat Sushi in Tokyo
37. Go for a swim off the coast of Greece
38. Eat pizza in Italy
39. Shop in Paris
40. Have a beer in an a real Irish Pub in Ireland
41. Snorkel in Aruba
42. See the Grand Canyon
43. See Yellowstone Park
44. Do the Blue Ridge Parkway from top to bottom
45. Drive down Ocean Blvd in an old convertible
46. See a Colt's game in Indy
47. See the Chargers play (where ever I am or in San Diego) with my dad
48. See the Ducks play (where ever) with Zach
49. See Paramore live
50. See Gavin Rossdale live
51. Get Gavin Rossdale to sing at my wedding (this will probably not happen but its me and Zach's song and how awesome would it be)
52. Have a baby duck for a pet (had one when I was little, it was so cool!)
53. See a whale up close, not at a zoo
54. Design a Tat of my journey and get it
55. Build something out of wood
56. Take a pottery class
57. Have a garden
58. Design and outfit and make it
59. Volunteer at a children's hospital
60. Build a house with Habitat for Humanity
61. Volunteer at a soup kitchen
62. Make a movie (doesn't have to be big just for fun)
63. Eat a smore
64. Learn how to make animatronics
65. Have an article in a magazine
66. Camp in a tent, outside
67. Make a quilt
68. Try alligator meat
69. Make my own wine
70. Watch Breakfast at Tiffany's
71. See a play on Broadway
72. Hug a redwood tree (I believe that's what they call them the trees that are so wide that if there was a hole in the trunk a car could drive through
73. Find a leather bond company of "A Farewell to Arms"
74. Go on a Ghost Hunt
75. Have a gangster movie weekend with movies like Scarface and the Godfather (never seen them)
76. Buy a pair of manolo blaniks
77. Meet Brandon Boyd from Incubus (my favorite band)

and the list has stopped there as of right now... first 50 flew past... next 15 went a little slower and the last 12 crawled... now to think of the last 23. But I'm determined and want to start on my list so I hope to have thought of them over this weekend. Wish me luck!!
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