78. See Pompei
79. Play Santa Claus once just because I'd love to do that for my kids to keep the magic alive when I have kids
80. Do a christmas thing @ the children's hospital whether its handing out presents or doing a story time or something really special
81. have a seahorse!
82. Throw a Christmas Bash
83. Build a huge sand castle
84. Fish of an ocean pier
85. Play on an adult softball team
86. Play on an adult volleyball team
87. Do storytime for a library
88. Go to my highschool reunion (ten year)
89. Go Caroling
90. Go ice skating outside
91. Go dancing at an outdoor club in a foreign country
92. Host a dinner party
93. Host a game night
94. Plant some kind of fruit tree
95. Send a message in a bottle
96. Give a stranger a $100 bill (someone you can tell needs it)
97. Pay for someone's order behind me or a stranger's anniversary dinner
98. Draw a mural or help draw one
99. Jump off a waterfall
100. Learn how to surf

It took me a while to come up with 100 but I'm here now! yay! time to get started, now the journey really begins.
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