Ok so I wanted to find a really cute way to keep track of my journey and that's how I thought of Albert. See Zach and I call each other ducky, it's been our cutesy name since day one and so we've gone duck crazy about it. He got me this adorable stuffed one for our one month aniversary and when we get married we've talked about having a rubber duck bride and groom on our cake and we are even going to start collecting rubber ducks since they have all these holiday theme ones. Its just our thing. Finding them in public is a little hard to do considering that I guess ducks aren't that in. I went to five different stores yesterday looking for the perfect duck and couldn't find any that would work and only a few at all. I came up with this idea that since I wanted to blog about my journey I wanted to also do like a photo diary of it too. And instantly I thought of Albert, our soon to be traveling duck companion. After hours of searching I finally found him online. Here he is!!!

I finally found him searching on amazon. The only unpredictable part is that I don't know if he will get here in time. I'm leaving for the beach Friday and starting my first 100 with building a big sandcastle and he might not ship in time.... But I guess we'll just have to see. In the mean time though here's an update on what I've been working on.

I'm meeting with a college administrator in the next few weeks to get set for college!!! yay! Though I admit last week I wasn't all yay about it. I got really nervous about whether I could really do it but I'm ready now.

I bought Breakfast at Tiffany's yesterday and Scarface so just waiting for the right weekends to set up the perfect way to watch Audrey Hepburn and to have a rainy weekends worth of classic gangster movies.

Lastly on the agenda is that we've started planning our cruise to aruba!!! Looking at going end of March which I'm told is the best time to go and we started looking at snorkeling packages!!! But I did tell Zach I wanted to be back in a bikini by then so starting today (even though I've been working out for a few months) I want to lose 67 lbs total before we head to sunny tropical aruba!

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