I began working on my list last night and logically for me I thought of my past first about things I wish I had done, things I don't regret but would have liked to have been different, projects I never saw through. So that is the complete reason for my number one on my list.

1. Get a Degree.... in something

I know its slightly vague but its the most important thing I want to accomplish in my life as of right now. I dropped out of college pretty much before I even started. I used to say it was because I wanted time off or I just overloaded myself too early with the amount of credit hours I took (2 more classes than a typical freshmen amount). Honestly though, it was the stupidity of being foolishly in love with a boy, a boy who turned out to be a rather painful length of my early 20's. Alas I don't regret it, I learned a lot from my decisions and grew a lot which is always the main point. Now, above almost all things... It's time to go back. I don't know exactly what for but I've got some basic ideas of what I would like to do or would enjoy doing and that's where I'll start. Now its just time to start down the road of getting into community college and starting my first class and finding money for school. I know this one thing will take a few years but its worth it.
Through the years I've had people ask me to make a 100 things to do in my life list, or have been asked what are things you want to accomplish in your life. People ask this question a lot and more often than one might think. So much so that even MTV has created a show about it called the Buried Life, where a group of boys set out to do everything on their lists and to help others full fill some of theirs. I've watched this show from time to time in awe and thinking about my own list. So this blog came to mind as a way to make my list more complete and to record my journey, after all shouldn't we all make our own bucket lists and try to complete them. Isn't that the great gift of life in the first place. Over the next few days I'll be making my list and then the adventure begins and so will start the beginnings of my own personal memoir. So here's the beginning.